Frequently Asked Questions
You can purchase one of our engines through one of our business partners through North America. Our primary partner is BE Power Equipment. Any place that buys their equipment will have access to our engines as well. Check your local hardware or tool store for our product.
Always refer to the manual, but generally speaking the first oil change is done after the first 20 hours of use. After that, check the oil before use and change when dirty or after every 100 hours, whichever comes first.
For best results only use clean, fresh gasoline that is 86 octane or more. Having zero percent ethanol is best, but blends that are up to 10% ethanol are acceptable. Never mix oil into your fuel.
Always refer to the manual with your machine. Our engines use SAE 10W30 motor oil in normal weather conditions, but always to double check the manual.
We are partnered with the BE Power Equipment service centers. You can use this map to find your closest BE authorised service center. You will need your original invoice of the machine to show that it is within the warranty period.
Please contact the dealer you purchased your engine from, or one of BE Power Equipment’s authorized service centers mentioned in the previous answer. They will have access to the available parts.